05/22/2011 11:02

MAY 22, 2011-Ch-ch-ch-ch-changes


"Turn and face the strange..."

Yep, that would be exactly what I am doing. 

Let me begin with a few updates. Everything happened so fast a week ago that I feel it may be best to chart things rather than try to explain.

1)  On May 13th, the final split between Mikol and I occured. We've decided that it is for the best that we break up and remain that way. I'm hurting. I've been hurting over it ever since it happened. I honestly thought it was just another stupid fight but as he stated it was the hair that broke the camels back (STRAW! he screams at me. Why would there be straws on a camels back anyway? Hair makes more sense). 

I won't go into detail on our personal business but the split was fairly amicable (after the blow up fight that caused it) and we have since decided it that is in everyones best interest, especially our daughter, if we can keep our personal interrelationship issues to ourselves and not involve the outside world.

I thank everyone for their support at this difficult time.

2) The very next day, May 14, my daughter Lilyana Saige was born at 11:45 am at Missouri Baptist hospital. She weighed 4 pounds, 13 ounces and was 18 1/2 inches long. I've become a very serious mommy and that is why there haven't been very many posts from me and why I have been mostly sticking with the Blog Challenges.

At this time, I have no comment regarding Mikol's involvement in her or my life other than to say that he has been wonderful and that I greatly appreciate all he has done in the early stages of Lily's life.

3) Maternity leave has left me officially bored. Though I have been recovering quickly and have even gotten myself down to my pre baby weight, I have been spending enormous amounts of time just watching my daughter sleep or being very involved in various baby things. I do hope that I will have learned to make the time to write and keep everyone updated, whether it be here or on Lilyana's website before I go back to work in a few weeks. Though I have to admit that I am anxious to get back to the daily monotany as It will help me further heal emotionally from the blows that I took right before Lily's birth as well as physically from any residual, after birth defects I may still have. I'm still working out all the kinks. 

My life has definitely changed for the better and I do not plan to let the worst keep me down. 

Thanks to everyone in my support system; family, friends and others who have helped pick me out of my doldrums when they occur. I <3 you all.




Leianne Stevens

Arnold, MO 63010

NO Death Threats please :-)

(732) 256-1894
(636) 671-2390
(636) 671-2379

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