Who am I?

I'm Leianne. Better known as Ginger. I'm a friend, girlfriend, sister, mom, writer and ... Customer resolutions specialist with AT&T (begrudgingly).

What defines me?

I'm devoted to being a mother and girlfriend, a loyal friend and trusted family member. I'm passionate about anything pink, sparkly or directly related to penguins. I love writing and love blogging which gives me a creative outlet that I haven't found anywhere else. 

Why do I write?

When I started my first blog on AOL I began writing it as a coping mechanism after many years of being a single mother and later a wife with three beautiful children. I found I had no time to myself and had no idea who I was anymore. Later, when I realized that not only was writing fun but that I was good at it, I decided to branch out and create a website to showcase my work and I enjoy every moment.

Ginger's Rules To Live By:

There are certain times in life where there is so much trouble piled up on the inside, that one more misfortune sends it all toppling down around you. Don't let it knock you down. Just like that overstuffed closet, you need a little cleaning out, you need some organization. Put the big things back in first, and toss out a few of the smaller ones. You will find room enough.

Get to know your Fears. Make them your friends. Some may be worth knowing, and some are a little nuts. Once you know the difference, you can relax in their company, and be selective in their advice. Boo-boos of the heart can be the most painful wounds you will receive. Give them attention, give them time, and most importantly, give them chocolate. It's a socially acceptable way to self-medicate.

Rejection and Failure are the formidable gates through which you must pass in order to Accomplish and Achieve. If you let fear drive you away, you will never reach your true destination.

Those that keep neat drawers are no more likely to find a pair of matching socks than the messy rest of us. Accept your mismatched socks and move on. 

♥          ♥          ♥


Leianne Stevens

Arnold, MO 63010

NO Death Threats please :-)

(732) 256-1894
(636) 671-2390
(636) 671-2379

Find me on:

Leianne on Tumblr Leianne on Twitter Leianne on Facebook

 Keep up with Lily

Lily's Site

Keep up with me in person!



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